Customers play the most significant role in any business. As a matter of fact, the customers are the backbones of every business, they are the sole generators of profit for businesses. They are the end users of any product and service being provided. Hence, it is important for an organization to treat each customer with utmost sense of importance and as top priority for business to flourish. Your business failure or success can greatly depend on the input of your customers, you can set up a world class business, but without customers, it’s doomed to fail.
Managing customers can be a little challenging, as some tend to be more difficult than others. There are great customers that appreciate what you do and support you by constantly proving their loyalty. These set of customers are:

  • Great communicators: they speak up when there’s a decline in delivery of service,
    and always drop a feedback; whether good or bad. They tell you exactly what they want.
  •  Value what you do: they appreciate the time and effort you put in your business, they understand that time means money for any good business, and they help you preserve it.
  • They are easy to work with: they are very patient people, not always looking for the
    slightest reason to raise their voices and are less demanding.
  • Help expand your knowledge: they are always ready to share useful tips that will
    help in the growth of your business.
  • Connect you with new customers: Of course, any customer who is willing to share your business with a potential customer, is a good customer.

    businesswoman shaking hands with client

But then, there are customers who are bent on making your life a living hell, no matter how patient and nice you seem to be. You can’t drive these people away because your aim is to maximize profit, regardless of how difficult it gets. These type of customers are always:

  •  They are rude and mostly bullies: They are always yelling, screaming and hurling
    insults at the slightest provocation, whether they are right or wrong. They believe the customers are always right and should be treated as such.pexels-photo-3907674
  •  High demand with little or zero profit: they are good in pricing your services low
    with very high expectations. They don’t pay much, but expect constant VIP service.
  • Reluctant and grumpy: they never provide a straightforward feedback, yet they
    won’t stop complaining. They have very poor communication skills and will never
    share their thoughts on anything.
  • Time wasters: They always go on and on about what they want, but disappear when it’s time to make commitments.

There is no business with the perfect type of customers. It requires a lot of conscious effort and practice to manage customers. Always:

  •  Listen even when you think they aren’t making sense.
  • Apologize even when you are right.
  • Take Them Seriously, and never belittle their opinion and suggestions.
  • Stay Calm, never talk back at customers
  • Identify their problem and provide solution, within your capabilities.
  • Acknowledge what you can do. Do not over-exaggerate your abilities.Always try and avail yourself to customers.

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Witten: Egbue, Adaobi


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